Our Services
Parent Education
Youth Development
Student Enrichment Days
Supervised Visitation
Safe Exchanges
Family Support
Colorado Community Response Program
Free childcare while at Justice Center
Resource and Referral Services

Our Mission
The Family Resource Center is dedicated to encouraging the development of healthy children and strong family units by providing support systems, education, and referral services in rural northeastern Colorado.

Our Philosophy
We believe that healthy families are the foundation of a healthy society.
We believe that all children deserve to have healthy families who will support, educate, nurture, protect and encourage them.
We believe that an entire community is responsible for lifting up and supporting its members for the betterment of all.

Our History
Family Resource Center was a grass roots effort started by a child welfare caseworker in 2006 out of the recognized need for a community based, professionally supervised parent/child visitation center. In the following years more community needs were identified, such as the need for year round parenting classes that are open to the whole community. A variety of parenting classes have been offered by the Resource Center, beginning in 2007 and continuing to the present time.
In 2009 a need for enhanced support for youth was identified. Out of this need grew the program named Game Plan for Success. Game Plan for Success has evolved from a 1:1 mentoring program to two teen clubs that meet weekly during the school year. The teen clubs focus on middle school and high school age students.
Throughout the history of Family Resource Center the organization has taken seriously its responsibility to disseminate resource information in the community and to make links between people with needs and resources which are available. In addition, the Resource Center has become a "go to" place for other services. The Resource Center freely shares the first floor space with service organizations and services that help people live healthy lifestyles and build the Resource Center's mission to develop healthy children and strong family units.